Monday, March 22, 2010

First Vendor Event

I had my first Sew Thoughtful Vendor event a couple of Saturday's ago. Although, it wasn't a profitable experience, it was great to have a practice run at setting up a table and going through the thought processes of what I need to make everything work.

It also forced me to sew like a mad-woman so that I could have lots of samples of my work. That enabled me to get this blog set up so that it is in place for when I start getting my name out there.

Many thanks to my friend Ashley who basically set up my table. I don't really have a knack for that sort of thing. I think she made it look beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. You are silly! You had just as much to do with setting up that table as I did. If anything, I totally took over setting up the table because I selfishly enjoyed it! And besides, the only reason that table looked good is because of YOUR adorable Sew Thoughtful items!
